The secret of implementing a resolution

It’s time to take a step forward once more, for the New Year is at hand. One can move from ‘the past’ to ‘the present’ and turn over a new leaf in one’s life. Change completely if required and have a new life altogether!
Critical Care at Swaasthya Hospitals
From now the construction will move at a more rapid pace than before, finishing each floor in a month’s time respectively. Therefore the need to keep pace with the resources is important to keep pace with the timeline of the project.
Why is Yoga necessary to understand the Brahman?
Merely through Vedanta’s theoretical knowledge of the Brahman, one cannot become the Brahman, nor by mere repetition of the Mahavakyas such as “Aham Brahmasmi.
Satsang with Sri M in Chennai
Upcoming Yoga Courses by Bharat Yoga Vidya Kendra
Video Picks : Inward Journeys with Sri M
Experiences with Maheshwarnath Babaji
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Wishing you all Healthy, Happy, Peaceful New Year 2022